A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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mongoose998 (1344 D)
15 Feb 11 UTC
Another one i wanted to bring up is a normal game, but as u see in the 5 and six player variant, all initially neutral SC's would have a unit in there. they cannot move, will auto disband, etc. Italy would have to go east or west for a 1901 build, a French-English war would be futile, and Russia's fleet sevastapol would be mega bored. think about it
13 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
14 Feb 11 UTC
anon classic
6 replies
Kismetto (896 D)
13 Feb 11 UTC
So what is the difference between Alacavre and regular Diplomacy? To me, it seems like it is the exact same game. What makes it a variant?
The idea behind Alacavre is that it is regular Diplomacy but on a more balanced map. It was designed by figlesquidge and Ghostmaker in order to get a balanced 7-player map.
Kismetto (896 D)
13 Feb 11 UTC
What exactly do you mean by a "more balanced map"? The map is the same as the original, just twisted inside out.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
13 Feb 11 UTC
Let us test it out, then.
Kismetto (896 D)
13 Feb 11 UTC
I'm already in a game on this map, but I was just wondering if there was anything I was missing. I don't get how it can be more balanced if the territories are just renamed.
The map is completely different.
Kismetto (896 D)
14 Feb 11 UTC
No, the map is the same just flipped inside out. The center black area is the outside of the normal map and the outside of Alacavre is Switzerland. For example the Seca Desert is the same as Tyrolia and borders Kepuct (Munich) which is next to Thuimp(Bohemia) which is next to Vaarle(Vienna) which is next to Nuit (Trieste) which is next to Kreiasth (Venice) which is next to the Arenos Desert (Piedmont). For the powers, Oz is Britain, Ithsomn is Austria, Namaq is France, Maroe is Turkey, Payashk is Germany, Quiom is Italy, and Shinto is Russia. All of the territories, borders, and SCs match up perfectly to the original game.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
14 Feb 11 UTC
:-) Took quite a while for someone to recognize this...
Kismetto (896 D)
14 Feb 11 UTC
Oh, I thought that it was kinda the point of the variant to be the same setup but different map...
Anyway, I'm not asking for it to be removed, I was just curious.
diplomat554 (1203 D)
14 Feb 11 UTC
Wow. I was actually thinking of remaking the map with everything flipped around and try to pass it off as a new variant. Apparently I was beaten to it!
Jimbozig (1179 D)
14 Feb 11 UTC
I think the way it looks makes people see things in a different way. shapes sizes and layouts all affect perception.

I played a game on the old site without knowing this. I am pretty sure I did some stuff I would never have done or considered if it was the classic map. Now i will play it with traditional strategies in mind.
I never knew that, I will also play this map like the classic map, now.
Kismetto (896 D)
14 Feb 11 UTC
Ah great, I ruined the fun of the variant.
No you didn't, you actually made it more interesting, since we now have the advantage. ;)
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 Feb 11 UTC
what would be really interesting, is to play through a game on this site using classical and this map giving the EXACT same orders. Be kinda cool to see how it looks on this map.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
14 Feb 11 UTC
I am hoping that the new perspective gives me new ideas on the classic map.
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 Feb 11 UTC
I converted the first 3 years of a classic game into this variant using Paint, and psychologically the map looked different.

For example, as Quiom I would never invade Seca desert, however as Italy I would more then likely invade Tyrolia in the opening moves.

Also the Kife-Asu (St Pets-Syria) convoy wouldn't look as epic on this map.
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 Feb 11 UTC
If we get Oli to close this thread down and delete all the posts, then we will have be able to use 'experience' to defeat others in games.
figlesquidge (0 D)
15 Feb 11 UTC
There are a few people who discovered this late last year, you're not the first sorry.

As you have noticed it is indeed equivalent to the classic map.
It was created because Ghost & I were interested in how the visual look of the map distorted play - like Russia looking huge despite having [relatively] few SCs.
We've got a few games out of it - the key thing I noticed was the number of people who move to 'tyrolia', which is quite an interesting one.

But yes, you have rather (/completely?) ruined the point of the map by making this thread. If you had thought to read the variant description before trying to show off you would have noticed that it says,
"A balanced 7-player variant. Well worth a game. If you have any questions, interests, things you want changed on the map etc, then please let us know directly rather than bringing it up on any of the forums"
Kismetto (896 D)
15 Feb 11 UTC
Ah well, my mistake for being too curious I suppose.
figlesquidge (0 D)
15 Feb 11 UTC
Or not curious enough to investigate before speaking out?
fasces349 (1007 D)
15 Feb 11 UTC
Actually I still would play differently.
One of my goals while playing is to make a cool looking empire, if my empire looks distorted, I will attack accordingly, however given the change in map, how distorted an empire looks is entirely based on how the map looks.

For example, as Italy I would never move to Tyrolia in this game, but do it whenever I plan to attack Italy.

The reason for this is the territory is to large and the border between Venice and it is to small.
Benibo (1143 D)
16 Feb 11 UTC
I have noticed that Igma does not seem to have a continuous coast, at least visually.

22 replies
14 Feb 11 UTC
Fog of War Game
New Fog of War game: gameID=579

Message me for the password. I want to keep it multi-free and a password is the best way to do that.
4 replies
Pimlico (1097 D)
15 Feb 11 UTC
I think I am being thick...
I just joined this site and need to know if I am being dense?
I have saved my moves and am happy to finalize but cant see how to.
Can any one give a newbie a clue?
Thanks in advance
2 replies
gjdip (1503 D)
15 Feb 11 UTC
Empty spot in the leagues
I hope Oli doesn't mind my advertising a different site here. We've got an open spot in league D1 which is run from Contact if you're interested.
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New Renaissance Italy Game
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canaduh (1293 D)
14 Feb 11 UTC
Confusion in Dutch revolt
Hi, Oli,

The territory NZE has both orange and neural islands - which is it?
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butterhead (1272 D)
15 Feb 11 UTC
2 and 3 player games.
I have 5 games waiting on either 1 or 2 daring players. game names are:
2 player fun, game 1( and same title only game 3 and 4)
3 player fun, game 1(and 2), go join!
3 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
14 Feb 11 UTC
Oli, in this gameID=318 Barbarians retreated THROUGH 2 adiacent countries to a not-adiacent one (DaisyMeadows). Could you please look at it?
1 reply
canaduh (1293 D)
14 Feb 11 UTC
New game - Holy Moly - gameID=593
Germany in the middle of the 17th Century, PPSC, 15 D, normal messaging - otherwise, what is the point?
0 replies
ostapbender (988 D)
14 Feb 11 UTC
Oli, map disappeared, check link above, please
1 reply
RoxArt (1732 D)
13 Feb 11 UTC
anon haven lets go
1 reply
RoxArt (1732 D)
13 Feb 11 UTC
20 points classic - 12h - anon
lets go :)
1 reply
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Feb 11 UTC
Any Live Game Preferences?
Any people up for a live game? Thoughts on variants? Buy ins?
7 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
08 Feb 11 UTC
WTA Draw?
Can a WTA game end in a draw? If so, does it basically get calculated as a PPSC? Thanks.
12 replies
peyton1 (770 D X)
13 Feb 11 UTC
does anybody wanta play a fun 5 mite phase game?
0 replies
Devonian (1887 D)
11 Feb 11 UTC
Glitch in 1880

In this game, the press is not colored and the sending country is not shown, making it difficult to identify who sent it in global press. The color also does not show up in the private press either. However, when I view this game on an ipod, the colors are displayed. At first, I thought global press was grey press, but since it can be viewed on an ipod, it must be a glitch.
6 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
07 Feb 11 UTC
still trying for a grey press game
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MasterEddie38 (996 D)
11 Feb 11 UTC
curious behavior
its anon so cant tell who this is, but its a little suspicious that two people in a gunboat game are doing such a good job of not fighting each other
1 reply
Shep315 (1435 D)
11 Feb 11 UTC
New War Declaration Game
same rules as before
7 replies
airborne (970 D)
10 Feb 11 UTC
Started Making Videos!
2 replies
Li0n (803 D)
09 Feb 11 UTC
I am in bugged game
I joined this one few days ago and unfortunetlly my opponent missed all turns so i was quickly able to expand and take both of flagships out on same phase. But now (when the flagships are destroyied) the game isn't opponent doesn't have any SCs nor fleets...and the game has marked him/her "Defeated" too :)
So could admin/mod end my game if it isn't too much to ask
2 replies
bozo (2302 D)
09 Feb 11 UTC
Fubar question
In Fubar, can an army move from NE to SW?
6 replies
ezpickins (1665 D)
09 Feb 11 UTC
Germany V. Russia
It seems to me that the one on one game, Germany V. Russia is unbalanced in favor of Russia. does it seem this way to anyone else?
2 replies
tt612 (1404 D)
08 Feb 11 UTC
How long has that stats page been here?
19 replies
gjdip (1503 D)
08 Feb 11 UTC
Who was Juggernaut in 1v1?
My internet connection got interrupted.
2 replies
steephie22 (933 D)
08 Feb 11 UTC
chaos on worldmap
i don't know where i have to send this so i put it here: what about chaos on worldmap??
there would be really much players in it...
and now i'm talking i also want to ask why things as buildanywhere, fog of war and chaos are not just choices in settings, not special for 1 map...
i would liek to try fog of war and chaos on worldmap :)
1 reply
Rusty (1255 D)
07 Feb 11 UTC
Australia Game?
I've got five friends looking to play an Australia game and we need three more to fill it up. One day phases, anonymous players, WTA, 30 D. We're decent players, and should give a good communicative game.
Password: floods
4 replies
myrmidon (798 D)
08 Feb 11 UTC
need 1 more for crowded
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