A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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mfarb (1338 D)
18 Nov 12 UTC
wanted: ambitious player willing to play WW4 team game WITHOUT official teammate
ambitious player willing to play WW4 team game WITHOUT official teammate?
22 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
20 Nov 12 UTC
Thanks for the pause folks.
Back in business again.
0 replies
T2Paradis (1182 D)
19 Nov 12 UTC
Two more players needed!
The game Flames of War needs two more players! Long phases for relaxed game play. No defined alliances; you may ally as you choose. It's the second world war in Europe the way you would choose to fight it! Who will take up the challenge?
1 reply
Decima Legio (1987 D)
19 Nov 12 UTC
Draws in Rinascimento
11 replies
RiverSong (986 D)
13 Nov 12 UTC
Hobbits Game Again Pretty Please?
Hobbits was cancelled - requires 19 players. The one with Wizards and Centaurs. I'm up for doing that game if we could get 19 willing players on board. Who's game? Pretty please? :)
17 replies
RiverSong (986 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
Gunboat game play
I'd love to try a gunboat game. How do you play it? Are there rules somewhere, I searched. I saw a map of one of the games. What are the little bullets around the area. Are they bombs to avoid or treasures to be taken? Thanks!
41 replies
Anon (?? D)
15 Nov 12 UTC
2 on 2 gameID=11047
Anybody like to try a 2 on 2 team game??
I was thinking England/Germany vs. Italy/Turkey. Play for a draw.
pass: duo
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 Nov 12 UTC
Unwinnable game
6 replies
T2Paradis (1182 D)
16 Nov 12 UTC
Flames of War!
WWII fan? Join our game "Flames of War"! Long phases for casual gamers! If you are a fan of the miniatures game feel free to chat about it in the game!
8 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
02 Nov 12 UTC
Contract NON-Anon Gunboat IV
The purpose of this Special Rules Private game is to have an enjoyable old style (= non Anonymous) Gunboat game among gentlemen who have read, agreed, accepted each of the following rules and who promise to observe them carefully.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
02 Nov 12 UTC
The main goal of the Contract is to have a game that never stops and that goes ahead quickly. That's why many standard rules have been modified or cut out.
The first thing you promise is that you won't NMR, so if you have some engagements in your schedule the next 2 months, you can stop reading: this is not the game for you.
The second thing you promise is that you will never forget that this game must go on quickly. This game is addressed to those people who can check a game *at least* twice a day almost everyday.

1. You won't NMR. Please do not join if you may stay away from your computer in the next few months.
2. Each time you log in the game, you decide and FINALIZE your orders before you log out. Saving orders is not allowed under any circumstance.
3. If you're the last one who finalizes, you must refresh the game page and finalize your orders for the next phase.
4. If you have to retreat your last unit in Autumn and you can't retreat it into a SC, you must disband it. Thanks for the game, mate, we wish you better luck next time! :)
5. This is the first game you'll check each time you log in VDiplomacy. Please don't get caught like you logged in the site 2 hours ago, when the current phase was already started, and you didn't put your orders in. Please never forget that having your Contract-Gunboat orders FINALIZED is your FIRST PRIORITY each time you log in VDiplomacy. Also, please refresh your homepage before you log out the site, so you can check if the game has progressed to a new phase.
6. One of the goals of rules from 2 to 5 is to have a quasi-live game. What's hoped is to play *at least* 2 phases a day everyday. However, in order to handle exceptional circumstances in which you may not have access to the internet, the phase lenght is set to 37 hours. Gentlemen, please don't abuse this.
7. Voting for Pauses, Extensions and Cancel is not allowed under any circumstance. Voting for a Draw is not allowed during the first 4 years.
8. In the rare case an unpredictable issue keeps you away from the internet long enough to risk a NMR, you'll do your best to find a sitter or someone to send the game to, using Country-Switch Feature in your Settings page. Please mind:
- Sitters can't stay anonymous and must be announced with a short post on this thread, both as they're hired and as they're fired; the sitter must confirm with a short message on this thread.
- Please try to find your sitter (or the person you switch your Country to) among those people who log in VDip OFTEN. Also, before he accepts the task, he must read this post and this Contract. Please tell him to do so.
- This possibility has been given to you to handle sudden, exceptional and short RL issues. Please don't join the game if you already know you'll need a sitter at some point.
9. If, notwithstanding all, someone CDs, I'll post a "Please take over this Country" on this thread and the game will go on whether someone subs or not.
10. Other parameters are: cheap 10 D buy-in; Random Country; PPSC; Non Anon; No Press; RR 90+ MinPhs 100+; NMR Policy ∞/off.
11. Rules looks simple enough, but if you need clarifications you're encouraged to ask your question on this thread before the game starts. Please try to figure out what could make you not playing by the contract and ask for advices if you find some issue ("What if..."). If there's no solution, please consider this may not be the right SRG for you.
12. Once you read this whole post, all rules are clear, you accept them, you promise to observe them, just say you're in and I will put you in the signup list.
13. Map are pre-choosen depending on the number of joiners and the Victory Condition will be set on "half+1" whether it's the default or not. Maps are:
- 6 players: American Conflict. SCs required for solo win: Default 29 of 56
- 7 players: Abstraction III. VC: Default 25 of 48 SCs
- 8 players: Migraine. VC: Default 18 of 40
- 9 players: Indians of the Great Lakes. VC: 27 of 52
-10 players: Modern Diplomacy II. VC: Default 33 of 64
-11 players: Classic - Crowded. VC: Default 18 of 35
-12 players: Fantasy World. VC: Default 30 of 58
-15 players: Known World 901. VC: Default 55 of 109
-17 players: World Diplomacy IX. VC: Default 44 of 86
-19 players: Haven. VC: 52 of 102
14. Signup will stop 24 hours after the 6th has joined. If more players than a map can keep signed up.... I'm sorry for the last ones who signed up. I hope to see players resulted in excess in Contract IV.
When you sign up you accept to play any of the mentioned Maps. Conditional signups are not allowed so please don't signup if you think you won't play one of these Maps.
The point is that a Gunboat-lover should enjoy the non-anonymity and the fast play the Contract provides. You shouldn't care what Map.
15. This is a Gunboat. At no point during the game players are allowed to talk to ANYONE else (Mums, Wives & GFs included :D) about it or of it or of ANY topic anyhow related to it, in ANY form (Forum, PMs, Email, phone, voice, etc...), and for ANY reason.
Only exception is the Modforum for the purposes the Modforum has.
16. As the game starts, this "CONTRACT NON-Anon GUNBOAT - IV" thread is intended to be CLOSED and no-one is allowed to post on it. Only exceptions are: 1) ME, when item #9 says I must (Take over CD Adv.); 2) ME, if the thread risks to "die" (I'll just bump it); 3) any player when item #8 says he must (Sitters).
Please NEVER break the silence, even if you are eliminated before the game finishes: this thread re-opens as the game is OVER and EoGs and any other comment are welcome AFTER that.
17. Once the signup is closed, I will create the Gunboat and PM you the PW. As the last one joins the Gunboat... golden silence. :)
18. This is an INVITATIONAL Private game. - - Password has been given to you for your use only, you're not allowed to tell it to anyone under any circumstance.

Any Gentlemen up for it?
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
02 Nov 12 UTC
and I AM open for it this time.
butterhead (1272 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
I'm in
J-Max (1080 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
I am in
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
03 Nov 12 UTC
Hi J-Max, welcome on vDiplomacy.
Unfortunately, the access to this game is reserved to players who have played at least 100 phases already (lease read item #10)
It shouldn't take you so long for it, so I hope to see you in one of the next CGs any soon.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
03 Nov 12 UTC
1. Guaroz
2. Fortress Doerr
3. Butterhead
fasces349 (1007 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
i'll be in depending on the map chosen
gantz (1859 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
I will be offline by the end of December (starting on the 21st to the 2nd of January) if the game is finished before that moment i am in!
ezpickins (1717 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
I am back in
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
03 Nov 12 UTC
1. Guaroz
2. Fortress Doerr
3. butterhead
4. gantz
5. ezpickins
achillies27 (1068 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
i would like to join.
EvW (1771 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
I'd like to join... I'm beginning to think more about my moves of late, and this sounds very interesting... May be away a few days around christmas though, if the game lasts that long...
achillies27 (1068 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
Oh wait a second... I have only played 99 phases...
Then again, if this takes a day to start, Im good :)
fasces349 (1007 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
lol, achilies,
@Guaroz: What map?
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
03 Nov 12 UTC
@achillies27, yes you'll play your 100th phase very soon. If not, well 1 phase less is not a big issue: you're in.
Btw, you're currently playing very slow games, are you sure you "can check this game *at least* twice a day almost everyday." ?

@ gantz & EvW. First 3 CGs lasted 23, 42 and 8 days. Even if there will be someone ignoring the Contract, I'd be very surprised if it lasted until Christmas.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
03 Nov 12 UTC
22 hours and 30 minutes left to sign up.

1. Guaroz
2. Fortress Doerr
3. butterhead
4. gantz
5. ezpickins
6. achillies27
7. EvW
achillies27 (1068 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
Oh, I play faster games on webdip. I check *literally* both sites like every freaking hour, that's not a problem.
butterhead (1272 D)
03 Nov 12 UTC
14. Signup will stop 24 hours after the 6th has joined. If more players than a map can keep signed up.... I'm sorry for the last ones who signed up. I hope to see players resulted in excess in Contract IV.
When you sign up you accept to play any of the mentioned Maps. Conditional signups are not allowed so please don't signup if you think you won't play one of these Maps.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
04 Nov 12 UTC
8 hours and 30 minutes left for signing up.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
04 Nov 12 UTC

1. Guaroz
2. Fortress Doerr
3. butterhead
4. gantz
5. ezpickins
6. achillies27
7. EvW

Ok, we're 7. I'm going to create the game and PM you the PW ASAP.
Thanks everybody.
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
04 Nov 12 UTC
Ahhh, I'm sorry I wasn't able to sign up! I was too busy this weekend to actively check my games and the forum. good luck guys! Hopefully I'll be able to join the next CG if there is one!
ezpickins (1717 D)
16 Nov 12 UTC
game over, draw
Game link please?
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
16 Nov 12 UTC
Thanks everyone who partecipated this Contract Gunboat IV and congrats to the winners. The game was very fast and regular. This allowed us to make one of the fastest CG played until now, and we were able to play more than a year per day!

All details about this at:

Surely it's easier for the game to be fast when there are only 6 players. But I'm convinced that what has been really important was having players who really logged in the game 3 times a day (or more often 4 than 2) and who actually played by the Contract.
A few more infractions than CG-III this time, but everybody played in an at least acceptable way. Feel free to PM me if you want to know if you made some infractions.

Thanks everybody for not breaking the silence, too.

And a special thank to gantz who realized he couldn't play by the Contract for some days long, informed me before the game started, and withdrew in time.

So. I hope you all are willing to add your EoG comments on this Thread, and I'd like to have you all in the next Contract Gunboat V.
EvW (1771 D)
16 Nov 12 UTC
What's "infractions"?

Will post my EoG here later.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
16 Nov 12 UTC
It's when you don't play by the Contract. Example: you log in the site, you have to put orders in, but the first thing you do is not logging in the CG and finalize your orders (item #5: "Please never forget that having your Contract-Gunboat orders FINALIZED is your FIRST PRIORITY each time you log in VDiplomacy.").
So you doing something else before logging in the CG (or, worse, logging out the site without having even logged in the CG) would be an infraction to #5.

btw, infractions are what I was talking about when, in the message I copy-pasted and PMed to you all after sign-up, I wrote: "...Players who infringe the Contract over a certain (tight) limit won't be invited for the next Contract Gunboat(s)...."
EvW (1771 D)
16 Nov 12 UTC
Ow, right.
butterhead (1272 D)
16 Nov 12 UTC
France EoG-
The game started with me planning to work with Spain and England(if they could figure it out) to all hit the mainland and work against the states/Russia... but Spain kept bouncing me and then we got into a mini-war which he won. and he probably would have eliminated me, had it not been for A) my ease of expansion against the USA and Russia, and B) the CSA's massive gains that put him as a Solo threat very early. that caused an all stop of fighting between England, Spain, and myself. the 3 of us and CSA knocked out the US, I finished off the Russian, and entered my draw vote, hoping I had done enough to stalemate CSA in Mexico/Western America. got on today expecting to see orders needed, got a pleasant surprise to see it had been drawn :)
achillies27 (1068 D)
16 Nov 12 UTC
England EoG-
Right off the bat, I misorder to the North Central Atlantic Ocean instead of the North Atlantic Ocean... That sucked :( So, that took away a build for me... also russia felt like taking Vancouver, which I didnt even notice him. Alll in all, that was one of the worst starts i have ever had. My plan was to simply control all of Canada and then expand into the united states, with my unit in Kingston sort of hanging out down there. Spain and France killed my Kingston unit there, and then Spain was supporting my Fleet to Hold In the north central atlantic ocean! yay! so, I was basically defending for the whole game, and am happy I got the draw at the end.
EvW (1771 D)
16 Nov 12 UTC
Spain EoG-
Right at the start I decided to go for England's souther fleet, because I got the feeling I was quite vulnerable (England, France and CSA all around me). I wanted the protection of South-America at my back, so I could focus on the north/north-west. France supported me into MAO, and I considered letting him follow, but in the end decided not to take the risk, as he'd have access to 3 of my SC. This resulted in me having to fight France, CSA and England at once. I feared that was the end, but Fance stabbed CSA, we made peace, and tried to prevent a CSA solo. I quickly realised I wasn't getting anywhere fast, so I hoped England would be able to stop him in the north while I... well, did nothing actually. Hadn't expected CSA to draw, as it looked he was getting the better of England. All in all, a draw was all I could hope for, never came close to a solo attempt.
Nice - I'm looking forward to a CG game in Dec/Jan.
butterhead (1272 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
@EvW- I wish you hadn't changed your mind :P I was hoping my supporting you in would signal to you I wanted to work with you!
@achillies- I didn't ever attack a single unit of yours! the entire game I kept my peace with you(this is in response to you saying "Spain and France killed my Kingston unit")... haha
Still curious to here from CSA as to why he drew.
ezpickins (1717 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
As you all are wondering why I drew, the short story is i didn't feel that I could effectively enter 25+ moves for the turns required to win. And each diplomacy phase had become a hassle to enter moves.
The long story will come sometime tomorrow. After my team beats the catamounts
Decima Legio (1987 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
@ezpickins, if you're not aware,
this feature might help you to speed up your orders check.
Not your order entering, though
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
17 Nov 12 UTC
Russia EoG.

As usal I tried to study my Country chance looking at stats
not very encouraging for Russia, and checking what happened on previous gunboats (6) that was even less encouraging: won 0, 6-way-draw 1 (why they didn't cancel?), survived 4 and defeat 1. Urgh.
So I realized that it was hard for Russia finding allies here, mainly because the 2 starting neighbours could look at Russia more like the "up-left corner threat" than like an anyhow helpful ally. Basically Union and Britain may look at Russia not much better than Savoia and Milano may look at the French in Rinascimento: just a PITA (I hope Amby read this, lol).
I also noticed that best surviving (this looked my goal) Russias finished owning some Californian SCs.

I wanted to try a different strategy. Attack the British and hope in some help from Union. This looked feasible for a year or two. Perhaps I was convinced (a dreamer!) even in the 3rd year. But then I realized that Union was not fighting Canada, and possibly helping him rather than me. No allies, an enemy stronger than me, dead. I started roaming with my fleets until the inevitable end.

What went wrong?
Well, surely I didn't have a "plan B". When my plan failed, I didn't know what to do.
But my biggest mistake was probably that I didn't realize that a Union attacked by CSA since the very first turn, can't afford an hostile Britain attacking him from Canada. And this is why, IMO, Union never did something unpleasant (like helping me) to Britain. At least until they started fighting for some reason, but I was already dying.
The task was hard, but both my strategy and my presence of mind have been totally inadequate.

35 replies
viejo (892 D)
16 Nov 12 UTC
Partidas en español
Para los jugadores que quieran jugar partidas en español, os dejo el enlace a un nuevo servidor basado en webdip, donde vamos ampliando la comunidad:
Os esperamos TAMBIÉN allí
3 replies
Raro (1449 D)
17 Nov 12 UTC
Did this game crash??
11 replies
RiverSong (986 D)
16 Nov 12 UTC
Noob Question: 2 fast 2 furious
I joined a game, 2 fast 2 furious, gunboat. There are 4 players. One voted cancel the other draw. Why? What should I vote? thanks.
9 replies
Anon (?? D)
15 Nov 12 UTC
Clasic Economic searching for 2 Players!
We are searching for 2 addition players
PW: anothertry
1 reply
bo_sox48 (937 D)
14 Nov 12 UTC
This thread is on webDip and is kinda cool, so……

1 reply
Ienpw_III (980 D)
14 Nov 12 UTC
Adjudication question
This has never come up in any of my games before and I'm wondering: if a fleet attempts to convoy an army to a territory but is dislodged, can it retreat to that territory?

My guess would be yes, but I'd like to be sure.
2 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
14 Nov 12 UTC
Fog of War?
I am kind of curious to try this fog of war map...anybody want to give it a go with me?

1 reply
BigAssMofo (1003 D)
14 Nov 12 UTC
need Admin help please
I type a plan up and post it on global...What can i do?
4 replies
Need A Replacement
Britain is in a good postion, but the user left.
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
13 Nov 12 UTC
Board not displaying properly
2 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
12 Nov 12 UTC
"Finally the one continent on this planet missing his own variant got one"
umm... what about Antarctica? Did we just forget that it is TECHNICALLY a continent?
13 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
13 Nov 12 UTC
Ad about cookies at the top of the site?
Just wanted to know if anyone else is seeing this? And if it's legitimate or an ad or something like malware
2 replies
AtlastheBarbarian (1292 D)
23 Oct 12 UTC
Congratulations to Oli!
Here's a huge congratulations to Oli and his family. Laura-Marie is a beautiful little one!

Let's all raise a glass of your favorite poison (whiskey for me) to Oli! Huzzah!
51 replies
airborne (970 D)
12 Nov 12 UTC
Darn EU...
6 replies
dieingrace (1072 D X)
09 Nov 12 UTC
This is a post
This is a message
58 replies
General Cool (978 D)
10 Nov 12 UTC
First Africa
Join this amazing new variant!
1 reply
Orpheus (1418 D)
06 Nov 12 UTC
Join ButterHead's CHAOS game....!!
Come one, come all, for the highly anticipated - often imitated - never duplicated - highly exciting - and highly insane: GLOBAL ONLY CHAOS MATCH!!!
With your host, ButterHead.....

That's right boys and girls, it's time to join the next installment of this fabulous game! We need about 11 more brave souls to join the excitement of the Greatest Dip on Earth....!!
41 replies
Chaqa (1586 D)
09 Nov 12 UTC
Europe 1939 Game
Join up! Brand new Europe 1939 game.
Need 6 more players.
10 point
2 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
30 Oct 12 UTC
Classic - Cataclysm
Anybody want to try this one out?
8 replies
Bonaparte23 (942 D)
08 Nov 12 UTC
Fog of War
Hi all, I'm new to this variant site and I would very much like to play a fog of war variant of the classic board. Preferably a public press one at that (although full press is also fine).

I don't really care about the points and time table, but how about 24h phases and 20p? Anyone interested? Sign up :)
3 replies
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