A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Rancher (1275 D)
28 Jan 12 UTC
Vintage 1880
I know some of you like this minor twist on the classic
2 replies
Who wants to play a live game around 8 PM tonight?
Cause I need something to do then.
3 replies
iLLuM (1569 D)
28 Jan 12 UTC
Join me for some fun in Holland
2 replies
President Smith (832 D)
28 Jan 12 UTC
Abstraction Live
Anyone wanna play the new variant live?
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
28 Jan 12 UTC
I Joined a Wind Symphony
We kickin' asses and takin' names.
Here's some of the stuff we're doing:
1 reply
Big money, no whammies!
Hey all! Join this War in 2020! Public press only, choose your nation, 36 hr turns, wta -- and a huuuuuge buy in.

3 replies
Anyone know why
I got more points than cypeg, even though he won the game?
it's a ppsc -- and he had more....
6 replies
ezpickins (1665 D)
27 Jan 12 UTC
A friend of mine
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
26 Jan 12 UTC
Variant Testing
Be the first to play a new variant!
Come on over to the lab and help by playing a test game of my new Variant!
12 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
02 Jan 12 UTC
34 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
A Sincere Thread
In my early beginnings as a player on WebDip, I was inexperienced and easily taken advantage of. Giggity. I was later deemed a troll after creating a game designed for honest diplomats. I never understood why. After learning how best to annoy people with very little effort, I soon took on the role that was given to me.
ezpickins (1665 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Rancher (1275 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
and this one time at band camp ...
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Through that experience, I began to become talented in my Diplomatic tactics, but not in by Diplomacy itself. And as a moderately talented player, I looked to be taken seriously. But after a month of making inane posts just to be able to laugh at how much it would get Eden or Draugnar worked up, I began to realize that no one in the wide world of the web would ever take me seriously. As I quickly matured to about three times what level I was at when I joined WebDip, I soon became aware of what I was meant to do. I was going to become a musician. Sure this would be a massive turnaround in my life, but when I was tasked with the burden of writing a research paper about the characteristics of a symphony, then with the attempt to write and study them...I was soon bound to such fate.

And thus, I left the pale, dark caverns of WebDip and headed for VDip. It was here that I would have more time. Here that I would be able to balance the perfect dreams that hung as delicately as spiderwebs in my head. Then another thought occurred to me: What about becoming a writer? It had been my life long dream to become a writer, and becoming a musical writer wouldn't be enough. And so, I developed my proposition to strive for a dual-Major: of Musical Theory and Comprehension, and Theater and Screenplay Writing.

Now I had to be taken seriously, would I show off my abilities and talents? Then I realized, I did not have to be taken seriously to be an artist. Then I took AP Government, and I really delved into the thought of being a Fascist Dictator.

But what really gets me, is when someone comes to me and says, "You're a great player, and we want you in our game!"

And I say, "Well, DAMN!"

That...that is what gets me.

And so I compose this treatise, not to inform you of my life. Not to make you think any more or less of me than you already do...but merely to open up a bit of discussion.

For what purpose do we extend ourselves across such great lengths to do what is seemingly pointless? Who are we as human beings that we demand such extravagances in the least of things? Why do we act so frivolously when it comes to the sciences and modern development, yet burden ourselves with the yolks of superiority in the most passive of manners?

And most importantly...Why should this continue?
mongoose998 (1344 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
oh wow I thought you were gonna say you were leaving...
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
24 Jan 12 UTC
aw... you're being too harsh. :)
mongoose998 (1344 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
I'm just joking Uk that. I'm very glad that u found ur calling. Best ofb lcuk in the real world.
butterhead (1272 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
mongoose998 (1344 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
I suppose we could. maybe lure him in with a promise of a 1v1 game to see who is better xD
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Or we could invite him to a Chaos game worth all of his points, let him get to 17 Centers, then everyone take him down at once.
fasces349 (1007 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
@KA: simple solutions:
1. Play anon.
2. Play on different sites, I use to troll 24/7 on webdip and was still taken seriously here on vdip. (being a mod might have helped :P)
3. Play with people who respect you (if its not anon). If I have constantly trolled someone, I am less likely to join a game with them. I join games with people who I have allied with in the past, not because I want to metagame and will always ally with them again, but because I know they will take me more seriously then other players.

thats about it for my advice..
fasces349 (1007 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
now actually getting down to reading the second part of your story and to answer your question. Well its a pretty easy question that can be answered in one word:

Pride is part of human nature, mankind always wants to be subconciosly complimented on his successes and wants to be successful in atleast something. It is pride that causes us to act certain ways.

Take a typical debate, if you realize your wrong, do you admit it and move in or do you stubbornly dig in your heels and try to wing the debate until your opponent gives up? You do the latter, why? Because the pride lost in admitting defeat is, according to human instincts, much worse then making a fool of yourself by making stupid point that even you don't agree with.

When you have been arguing for hours over something and have gotten to the point where you want to compromise, do you? No, why? because you have been arguing and your subconscious tells you compromise is defeat, again its pride that is the issue.

Say you watch an embarrassing tv show or play an embarrassing computer game, do you talk to your friends about? no. Again you don't want people to think of you strangely. Your subconsciously want people to think your the best.

About dictatorship. I have to admit, one of the most effective political statements ever is from a George Orwell book. 'Big Brother is watching you'. The fear of being watched is truly a terrifying thought.

Do you act differently at home, school/college/work and on the internet? I do.

at home, its like full anonymity. I can do what I want and nobody will ever know what I am doing.

at school/college/work, I know the people in real life, I must maintain a good reputation etc. etc.

at internet, its partial anonymity, although nobody knows who I am, I am still judged by people. But the fact is, in my mind, it is fasces349, not me, posting right now. Even though I know fasces and me are the same person, you don't. We might meet irl and odds are we would never be able to tell who was who online or if we even went to vdip etc. (however if I said I was moderator on vdip, that would really narrow the options). The knowledge that, at least in theory, what you post on the internet wont be traced back to you makes you act differently.

The best analogy of this from an actual political treatise (rather then a famous fiction book) is Foucault's. His idea was (as video camera's weren't around back then) for everyone to live in 'glass' houses. If there was a secret police member living on your street, you didn't know which of your neighbours, and you could, at all times, be seen by your neighbours, you would act very different then how you would act at home atm.

Sex would provide less pleasure, most people probably wouldn't masturbate. You would put more thought into what you do with your leisure time, you would be less likely to break the law. etc etc.

I applied it to a fiction piece and a political theory, might as well tie it to a real life event.

Nazi Germany 1940s. The Germany SS (Nazi secret police) was widely feared. The Nazi propaganda was, unlike the Soviets, that committing treason or conspiracy wouldn't be punished until a month of so after the crime was committed. The SS was always watching you, and would instantly know when you committed said crimes. However they would give you the opportunity to redeem by reporting everyone who conspired with you. Doing so would give you a reward and everyone else would be arrested and executed.

In actuality they weren't watching, they had neither the manpower nor funds to watch even a tenth of Germans, of course the Germans didn't know this. As a result over 90% of arrests made by the SS were actually citizen arrests. The fear of being caught made it very difficult for people to conspire against the Nazi government, cause there would normally be at least 1 citizen among each rebel group who would confess due to guilt or fear.

So in conclusion pride is probably the deadliest of the 7 deadly sins. its part of human nature, and causes us to do stupid things in the name of keeping face or building a reputation.
+1 fasces. I just troll for laughs though. Its funny. And if I feel lack of respect I could just make a new account.
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
@Fasces: I understand what you are trying to say about Pride. I agree, and I think that there is definitely more to it, but you seem to have generated a pretty simplistic answer for me.

But as for your "Simple Solutions," I am not going to bother. I act how I do around my friends at school, around my family, and at my church as I do here. I especially do not care what any of you think of me. On WebDip, I acted more like a troll, just because I get a laugh out of seeing people waste so much effort on something that just isn't true. Many of you spent numerous forum posts and messages just to make fun of me, when I wasn't even acting myself.

I prefer non-Anonymous games, so that you can get a good feel for each person you have contact with, during the game...mostly so that you can gauge who they are around the rest of the site. Also, for the fact that I can play games with people I know. So that I can maintain good relations with people, merely by being courteous to them in their chat boxes.

No amount of anything that occurs on this site has any real impact on me though.
fasces349 (1007 D)
26 Jan 12 UTC
"+1 fasces. I just troll for laughs though. Its funny. And if I feel lack of respect I could just make a new account."
Well you couldn't cause our mods would shut you down. I troll for the lols as well.

@KA: You troll your family? (yeah right)

14 replies
JLB (761 D)
26 Jan 12 UTC
I just started playing again after a long break (ironically, just when we're about to start talking about WWI in school, the problem is, I'm trying to join some games, but it said that I was joining too many games for a "new member" and I needed to play 6 more phases in any games. I understand that this is necessary for new players, but I've played before and wish that this could be applied to date joined rather than point count.
3 replies
The Game.
That is all.
4 replies
ShootingStar (1238 D)
26 Jan 12 UTC
Bugs in World War IV map
I have noticed that there are a couple of bugs in the WWIV map.
5 replies
Ienpw_III (980 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Low point chaos game

7 D
Come and play, it will be fun!
1 reply
Join this game!
4 replies
Myself538 (1018 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
A Funny Star Wars Parody
+1 if you like!
4 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
25 Jan 12 UTC
New game! Join it
0 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
19 Sep 11 UTC
Word Association Thread
There is an active one up on webDiplomacy and i thought I'd try one here. Ill start with the word "Apple".
544 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Gopher's odd sense of humor
8 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Game Endorsements
I am Currently Publicly Endorsing the Following Games:
Such Games Have Received My Seal of Diplomatic Approval.
Many More May Come As of Yet.
1 reply
Why I play on vDip.
CAUSE ITS FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Sorry Butterhead...
0 replies
Post non 1v1 live games here
For the use of all
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Özil (782 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
bug in abstraction ?
Turkey have 7 scs !!!
16 replies
ezpickins (1665 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
One on One Games
2 replies
President Smith (832 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
New thread for a legendary game
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General Cool (978 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
Is this supposed to happen?
Is Britain supposed to be able to move to Baghdad?
19 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
23 Jan 12 UTC
I suppose that there are many players who love ONE VS ONE GAMES, so Use this thread to advertise the games!
2 replies
airborne (970 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
My next map?
Modern Middle East or Baltic 1350?
28 replies
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