A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Rancher (1275 D)
28 Jan 12 UTC
Vintage 1880
I know some of you like this minor twist on the classic
2 replies
Who wants to play a live game around 8 PM tonight?
Cause I need something to do then.
3 replies
iLLuM (1569 D)
28 Jan 12 UTC
Join me for some fun in Holland
2 replies
President Smith (832 D)
28 Jan 12 UTC
Abstraction Live
Anyone wanna play the new variant live?
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
28 Jan 12 UTC
I Joined a Wind Symphony
We kickin' asses and takin' names.
Here's some of the stuff we're doing:
1 reply
Big money, no whammies!
Hey all! Join this War in 2020! Public press only, choose your nation, 36 hr turns, wta -- and a huuuuuge buy in.

3 replies
Anyone know why
I got more points than cypeg, even though he won the game?
it's a ppsc -- and he had more....
6 replies
ezpickins (1665 D)
27 Jan 12 UTC
A friend of mine
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
26 Jan 12 UTC
Variant Testing
Be the first to play a new variant!
Come on over to the lab and help by playing a test game of my new Variant!
12 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
02 Jan 12 UTC
34 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
A Sincere Thread
In my early beginnings as a player on WebDip, I was inexperienced and easily taken advantage of. Giggity. I was later deemed a troll after creating a game designed for honest diplomats. I never understood why. After learning how best to annoy people with very little effort, I soon took on the role that was given to me.
14 replies
JLB (761 D)
26 Jan 12 UTC
I just started playing again after a long break (ironically, just when we're about to start talking about WWI in school, the problem is, I'm trying to join some games, but it said that I was joining too many games for a "new member" and I needed to play 6 more phases in any games. I understand that this is necessary for new players, but I've played before and wish that this could be applied to date joined rather than point count.
3 replies
The Game.
That is all.
4 replies
ShootingStar (1238 D)
26 Jan 12 UTC
Bugs in World War IV map
I have noticed that there are a couple of bugs in the WWIV map.
5 replies
Ienpw_III (980 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Low point chaos game

7 D
Come and play, it will be fun!
1 reply
Join this game!
4 replies
Myself538 (1018 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
A Funny Star Wars Parody
+1 if you like!
4 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
25 Jan 12 UTC
New game! Join it
0 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
19 Sep 11 UTC
Word Association Thread
There is an active one up on webDiplomacy and i thought I'd try one here. Ill start with the word "Apple".
544 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Gopher's odd sense of humor
8 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Game Endorsements
I am Currently Publicly Endorsing the Following Games:
Such Games Have Received My Seal of Diplomatic Approval.
Many More May Come As of Yet.
1 reply
Why I play on vDip.
CAUSE ITS FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Sorry Butterhead...
0 replies
Post non 1v1 live games here
For the use of all
0 replies
Özil (782 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
bug in abstraction ?
Turkey have 7 scs !!!
16 replies
ezpickins (1665 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
One on One Games
2 replies
President Smith (832 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
New thread for a legendary game
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General Cool (978 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
Is this supposed to happen?
Is Britain supposed to be able to move to Baghdad?
19 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
23 Jan 12 UTC
I suppose that there are many players who love ONE VS ONE GAMES, so Use this thread to advertise the games!
2 replies
airborne (970 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
My next map?
Modern Middle East or Baltic 1350?
airborne (970 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
(Finally learned what color indexing is hopefully I will get it right this time without Oli needing to correct me)
As I wait for the results of the first Abstraction III games and to see if there are truely serious issues to deal with I would like to the community for some input and preference for my next project both very much in the development phrase and the easiest time to make changes.
Middle East Diplomacy based on a few years in the future with the death of the Arab League with the rise of tensions between the conserative and liberial states, of note are the Caspian oli fields, Sea SCs. Azerbaijan, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt are powers with 38 SCs on the board for a 20 SC victory critea
Baltic 1350
Based on the time of the Teutonic Knights in the Baltic. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Teutonic Knights, Lithuania, Novogorod and Poland. Originally posted on the community vdip pool.
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
22 Jan 12 UTC
+1 Baltic - Teutonic Knights beating it out with the heathen!
orathaic (952 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
+1 Modern Middle east (something makes me feel we have lots of baltic/viking/scandanavian/nordic maps already)
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
22 Jan 12 UTC
+1 baltics
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
22 Jan 12 UTC
+1 USA Deluxe
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
22 Jan 12 UTC
How about a variant with Pangaea ?
You could maybe make the "tyrannosauraus", "mammut" etc...
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
22 Jan 12 UTC
The sea should be impassable...or you make big fish-dinosaurs as fleets...
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
22 Jan 12 UTC
Im too stupid to make maps...
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
22 Jan 12 UTC
I'm guessing someone has Medieval Total War Kingdoms. I'll vote Baltic. But for the era you really should have Lubeck. My great criticism of Teutonic Campaign is that Lubeck is missing given it's central significance to Baltic trade for centuries. I also might give the Danes a unit in Revel to start.
ODaly (1080 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
The problem with Lubeck is that it was just the leader of a trade league within an alliance of Imperial Free Cities. It wasn't a nation in the same sense that Denmark or Lithuania is.

On topic: I vote Modern Middle East.
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
22 Jan 12 UTC
Why not make the Hanse as another player ?
The Hanse had a huge influence in the Baltic...
Shah (1992 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
What about a North and South American variant? Kinda like Karibik only expanded out to include the whole western hemisphere. You could have USA/Canada/Mexico, maybe Quebec and Cuba to add more balance in the northern part of the map, and then use 4-5 South American powers.
airborne (970 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
3 baltic
2 middle
1 USA deluxe (:P, still preplexed on what to do here, will do later thorugh)

That's an excellent suggestion that didn't come up when I was designing the Baltic Hanse sounds like a great idea for a new power I will just have to do some changes to Norway and Denmark with the League in play. I also wanted to play around a bit with Poland
crixno (1248 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
+ 1 Baltic 1350
mongoose998 (1344 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
baltic over here
butterhead (1272 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
Middle East, we need more variants that get away from Europe a bit!
adammaa (1323 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
middle east.
G-Man (2466 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
Medieval, 1100 (on one map), or Modern 2012! I'd also love to see more 12-15 player variants.
ezpickins (1665 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
Middle east
King Atom (1186 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
Hominidae (726 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
Middle East, although I like the Pangaea idea (but without Tyrannosaurus or Mammut as neither existed when Pangaea was a continent). If you do Pangaea, make sure you do the research on what kinds of animals existed at that particular time.
airborne (970 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
Duly noted :)
cnorment14 (1714 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
middle east but the modern 2012 idea is good... if you don't do it I may attempt it if that is ok with G-Man
G-Man (2466 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
Sounds great cnorment. I'm all for it.
General Cool (978 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
I think the Baltic 1350 map looks pretty cool, I'm for it.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 Jan 12 UTC
I was simply saying that Lubeck should get a dot. Lubeck is not a city on Teutonic Campaign nor a SC on airborne's map.
How about we have modern WWIII? We start off in 2012, with the centres as equally unbalanced as in real life, then you procede into a special "nuking" phase, similar to the ancient greek bidding phase, where each player has a number of nuclear missles to fire at the supply centres of the map in an attempt to destroy them. However, each player also has a number of nuke interceptors which can protect their centres. If the number of nukes fired at a territory is greater than the number of interceptors, the SC is destroyed.

Then the game progresses into a build phase, assuming anybody has any supply centres left.
orathaic (952 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
leave out the nuke interceptors...

only play as nuclear powers. Each power gets 1 nuke per SC, and there is no talking to other about who you will nuke. If a SC gets hit by more than one nuke, it is still destroyed. (adding fallout and making territories impassable would be interesting too)

Then you play things out.

28 replies
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