A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
14 Jan 13 UTC
WWIV description
recently playing some WWIV games i noticed that the variant description is not sufficient, as it does not tell anything abou IST, PAN, and EGY and also doesnt tell you that fllet cant move into territories that are bordered by this arctic territory, eg YUK and is not optimal that you have to send units to these territories to find out what the rules there are...and asking in the public chat might give away plans...
7 replies
Anon (?? D)
14 Jan 13 UTC
need 2 more for anon Aussie game
0 replies
airborne (970 D)
13 Jan 13 UTC
If I attempt to date a Jewish girl at college...will I burst into flames?
I ask this because my rural peers have firmly stated this will happen to me if I do...
10 replies
I'm Back!
Who wants to play a nice classic game?
15 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
10 Jan 13 UTC
Betelgeuse : EoG thread
10 replies
Anon (?? D)
13 Jan 13 UTC
New game, player left before the first turn, need a fill in, modern dip 2
First turn hasn't happened yet, modern dip 2 Spain left the game, need a fill in
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
02 Jan 13 UTC
Replacement needed
gameID=11395 needs a replacement Russia. Good position
3 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
11 Jan 13 UTC
Web Dip down?
I keep getting a weird failure message when I try going to WebDip. Anyone else having problems logging in
8 replies
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
29 Nov 12 UTC
1066 update
England got a bum deal in the first attempt of 1066. This should now be better balanced with a new SC in Norfolk (formerly East Anglia on the board) & a new sea territory, Central North Sea. Enjoy!
51 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
07 Jan 13 UTC
Exploration Dip
I recently came across an interesting variant of Diplomacy - Explore Dip. The link is here:
38 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
08 Jan 13 UTC
Stern von Africa: EoG thread
gameID= 11223
6 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
27 Dec 12 UTC
Best Empire in History?
This ought to hopefully provoke some lively discussion here. Which empire, do you feel, was the best in human history? I personally like the Mongol Empire the best, especially under the first few khans. It just seems like a very progressive system in a lot of ways. There were a lot of crap things, too, but every empire has such things. I feel they were able to take the best from a lot of systems and synthesize a new whole, and that's pretty rare in history.
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xSMTx (847 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
I hate to get all involved, but the Roman Empire was never called SPQR. That was just a moto of the empire which stood for Senatus Populusque Romanus; translated means the Senate of the People of Rome. Basically the equivalent of "In God We Trust" down in good ol' Murica. As well, it was a moto during the Roman Republic era, not the imperial era, just fyi.
fasces349 (1007 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
San Marino is in the Italian Peninsula but they're not Italian, they are an independent city-state.

This is another quick example of where the country and landmass are named after the same thing. People are based on what landmass they come from, but what nation or state they are from.

I am not an American, I am a Canadian.
fasces349 (1007 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
The SPQR was the official name of the Roman Republic. I can't remember what Rome was called under the Empire.
xSMTx (847 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
It was the name of the government, but that does not make it the name of the Republic. No one went into trade relations or to war with the SPQR. At least, that has always been my understanding of it.
equator (1514 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Well obviously that 700millions was not right.
It's just a point of view, and to be fair I'm realizing it's not entirely tenable if you speak in english, as we are doing, so sorry for buzzing a bit out of context.

It's somewhat tenable if you speak in spanish, however. I don't really care, but if happens that you speak in spanish with a spanish-american, I'd suggest not to say "americano" for USA people. Actually, people usually won't get offended, but they'd feel more comfortable if you say the technical spanish-american name.

It's just a suggestion and not a very important one.
equator (1514 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
this last was for fasces
equator (1514 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Also the convention is different in USA itself, btw, where every spanish speaker is o.k. with "americano" for USA people, and "latino" for latinamerican (which outside USA tends to be "latinoamericano" keeping "latino" for what it actually means: related to latin. But tendencies are changing regarding this last point, due to the "american" influence)
equator (1514 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Any way, so that people don't get angry with my digressions, I'll rescue the values we had last. With a clarification and votes added.

American (USA) Empire 10 (-1) (In which exact sense do you call it an "empire"?)
British Empire 16
Roman Empire 18
Mongolian Empire 11 (+1) It's an impressive empire not base in esclavism nor savage capitalism, where warriors had still honor codes.
(generic) Chinese Empire 14
Achaemenid Persian Empire 12
Japanese Empire 5
Ottoman Empire 11
Akkadian Empire 8
(pre-Ptolemy) Egyptian Empire 9
(generic) Islamic Empire 12
Byzantine Empire 10
Mughal Empire 10
Comanche Indian Empire 7 more of a nation then an empire
Decima Legio (1987 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
I have listed a sort of achievements and good qualities of the Roman Empire, while the Mongols have only one significant (+1) quality compared to others in the list : the undisputed military power, which is maybe the best quality in order to rise to the rank of “Empire”, but not certainly the best quality to hold that rank and to leave a good heritage in history. I am not isolated in this belief and others have expressed my opinion.

Now, as kaner suggested, even if we do not substitute the debatable question “what’s the best in history” with the more appropriate “what historical empire are you the most interested in?” , the voting rule is just… poor.
It’s clear that will prevail the preference of the users most committed to the thread and not the most commonly accepted opinion, regardless of the content of opinions.
If this is the rule we’re going to play through, I think I’ll pass.

A special thanks to Mertvaya Ruka, I enjoyed the discussion you started and I’m happy it did not degenerate in a fight and/or was swarmed by trolls as usually happens in
iLLuM (1569 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
ok, I think I can go again:

American (USA) Empire 10
British Empire 16
Roman Empire 19 (+1)
Mongolian Empire 11
(generic) Chinese Empire 14
Achaemenid Persian Empire 12
Japanese Empire 5
Ottoman Empire 11
Akkadian Empire 8
(pre-Ptolemy) Egyptian Empire 9
(generic) Islamic Empire 12
Byzantine Empire 10
Mughal Empire 10
Comanche Indian Empire 6 (-1)
steephie22 (933 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
fasces, short-cut for USA is United States, not America...
America means North America and South America, big difference...
And they call theirselves Americans because that's true as well, but Mexicans are Americans too, but they can be more specific, for the United States there's no specific name for the people there, and since American is clearer than human or something like that you say American...
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Continuing on with the "American" debate:

We derive "American" from our name: United States of America. Hence Americans. The only other term that would roll off the tongue easily while still evoking the culture of the USA would be what? Yankee? Unfortunately that term already has other meanings: To Europeans (from what I understand), it can mean a person from the USA, to a person from the south part of the USA (the old CSA), it can refer to a northerner, and to a northerner, it could refer to someone from the New York area (sometimes). You can see how that would be confusing to call everyone from the USA a Yankee.

Moving on, people generally derive what they call themselves from the name of their country, not the continent (with some exceptions like Australia which is both a country and continent name). Hence, people from France are French, people from Saudi Arabia are Saudi Arabian, people from Estados Unidos Mexicanos are called Mexicans, and people from the United States of America are Americans. It makes perfect sense really. I don't quite understand why anyone would assume that someone is referring to the continent of North America when they say "American". I mean, when people call themselves "American", or "Mexican", or "French", or anything, they're referring to their nationality. And since the USA is the ONLY country with "America" in it's name (as far as I know), when one says "American" to refer to nationality, there's only one country they can actually be talking about: the United States of America.

As a final question: Steephie: Are you from the US? Or from another country? I'm honestly curious since as far as my experience is concerned (from USA), when people in the US say "America", they are NOT referring to the continents of N. and S. America. Perhaps to people in "the old world", "America" means N. and S. America, but here in the "new world", when we want to say North America, we say North America. South America is South America. I have hardly ever heard anyone refer to the two continents as "America" outside of a world history course when they're talking about the age of exploration when Europeans first colonized the "new world".
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
@Decima, thank you! I think we've at least proven that we have enough people here for social discussions. Now to encourage this further!
airborne (970 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
American (USA) Empire 10
British Empire 16
Roman Empire 20! (+1)
Mongolian Empire 11
(generic) Chinese Empire 14
Achaemenid Persian Empire 12
Japanese Empire 5
Ottoman Empire 11
Akkadian Empire 8
(pre-Ptolemy) Egyptian Empire 9
(generic) Islamic Empire 11 (-1)
Byzantine Empire 10
Mughal Empire 10
Comanche Indian Empire 6
American (USA) Empire 9(-1)
British Empire 17(+1)
Roman Empire 20
Mongolian Empire 11
(generic) Chinese Empire 14
Achaemenid Persian Empire 12
Japanese Empire 5
Ottoman Empire 11
Akkadian Empire 8
(pre-Ptolemy) Egyptian Empire 9
(generic) Islamic Empire 11
Byzantine Empire 10
Mughal Empire 10
Comanche Indian Empire 6
American (USA) Empire 8(-1)
British Empire 17
Roman Empire 21(+1)
Mongolian Empire 11
(generic) Chinese Empire 14
Achaemenid Persian Empire 12
Japanese Empire 5
Ottoman Empire 11
Akkadian Empire 8
(pre-Ptolemy) Egyptian Empire 9
(generic) Islamic Empire 11
Byzantine Empire 10
Mughal Empire 10
Comanche Indian Empire 6
steephie22 (933 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
@drano019: First of all: I'm from The Netherlands in Europe...

Now, to start at the top: Yankee means someone from the New York area to me, but I only use it on the forum so I'm not sure about other Europeans...

For the second part: I agree with you that, if someone tells me now he/she's an American, I can be pretty sure that you're from the United States. but if we're talking about something less obvious about nationality such as the population of America, I'm not sure if that means the United States, North America or North America and South America together...

And in my opinion it was absolutely not clear we were talking about the USA when someone said the American Empire, because the USA is definitely not an empire, while there probably were some Empires in America (North and South). So that was not obvious at all to me...

Not a big issue though :P
xSMTx (847 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
I thought we had to give reasons for our vote decisions?
Angstpuppet (1261 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
American (USA) Empire 8
British Empire 17
Roman Empire 21
Mongolian Empire 12 (+1)
(generic) Chinese Empire 14
Achaemenid Persian Empire 12
Japanese Empire 5
Ottoman Empire 11
Akkadian Empire 8
(pre-Ptolemy) Egyptian Empire 9
(generic) Islamic Empire 11
Byzantine Empire 10
Mughal Empire 10
Comanche Indian Empire 5 (-1)

For the Mongols it all comes down to square miles of territory, trade, safety internally, and the fear they invoked in their enemy. On top of that even once the greater empire broke up it spawned smaller empires some of which were very powerful in their own right.

On the Comanche, I will not deny that they were fierce, powerful, and organized, I just think in the scheme of things if you are looking at Native American empires you would be better served with the Aztec, Mayans, Inca, Mississippian, etc. It would be hard for me to vote an empire towards the top of the list when I can think of other empires in reasonably close proximity geographically that were more powerful or prominent, no matter what the chronological/time period difference was.
fasces349 (1007 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
American (USA) Empire 9 (+1)
British Empire 17
Roman Empire 21
Mongolian Empire 12
(generic) Chinese Empire 14
Achaemenid Persian Empire 12
Japanese Empire 5
Ottoman Empire 11
Akkadian Empire 8
(pre-Ptolemy) Egyptian Empire 9
(generic) Islamic Empire 11
Byzantine Empire 10
Mughal Empire 10
Comanche Indian Empire 4 (-1)

America is the most powerful empire around today. The anti-americans in this thread deny that America is an empire yet are probably the same ones that have a problem with American imperialism. The invasion of Iraq, massive military budget, global hegemony are all evidence of America being a powerful and large empire.

The mexican and spanish wars were also very much wars about empire. Those who claim America isn't an empire just because they are capitalist don't know what they are talking about.

If your negging America for that reason then neg Britain as well. Britain didn't invade North America or India or South Africa. Private corporations claimed the land and all the profits. Britain was more pro-corporation back then then America is today.
fasces349 (1007 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
"I thought we had to give reasons for our vote decisions?"
I did too...
Hollywood (1423 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
Before the UFC I would have said Rome because of gladiators, imperialism at its best when citizens are so bored they pit losers against each other over and over and some win glory and then it creates a new subculture of people raised specifically for this kind of combat and then we glorify it(but still shun the losers)

So my vote is for AMURICA!
fuzzyhartle1 (856 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
American (USA) Empire 9 (-1)
British Empire 17
Roman Empire 21
Mongolian Empire 13 (+1)
(generic) Chinese Empire 14
Achaemenid Persian Empire 12(-1)
Japanese Empire 5
Ottoman Empire 11
Akkadian Empire 8
(pre-Ptolemy) Egyptian Empire 9
(generic) Islamic Empire 11
Byzantine Empire 10
Mughal Empire 10
Comanche Indian Empire 3
fasces349 (1007 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
@Fuzzy: Comanche has 4 not 3 and your only allowed to minus one not 2. Also please gives reasons for your plusses and minusses.
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
American (USA) Empire 9
British Empire 17
Roman Empire 22
Mongolian Empire 13
(generic) Chinese Empire 14
Achaemenid Persian Empire 12
Japanese Empire 4
Ottoman Empire 11
Akkadian Empire 8
(pre-Ptolemy) Egyptian Empire 9
(generic) Islamic Empire 11
Byzantine Empire 10
Mughal Empire 10
Comanche Indian Empire 4

Romans +1, Japanese -1. As others have said, Japan didn't hold onto its conquests at all. Besides, they could have easily tapped into anti-European, anti-colonial sentiment, but instead they simply replaced the old despots as the new ones. Not to mention their determination to bring the USA into a war it could scarcely lose and which it had no desire to join. As for the Romans, they set the benchmark for Western empires. Their language became the language of law, science, and religion. Their roads still exist today. Their leaders still inspire us today. Knowledge of their literature and history is still pretty much a sine qua non of being considered cultured in the Western world today, and even simple phrases of theirs, e.g. "e.g.", survive in our daily vocabulary.
The Moran (1421 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
American (USA) Empire 9
British Empire 16 (-1)
Roman Empire 22
Mongolian Empire 13
(generic) Chinese Empire 14
Achaemenid Persian Empire 12
Japanese Empire 5 (+1)
Ottoman Empire 11
Akkadian Empire 8
(pre-Ptolemy) Egyptian Empire 9
(generic) Islamic Empire 11
Byzantine Empire 10
Mughal Empire 10
Comanche Indian Empire 4

As an anti-nationalist, I cant give anyone pluses for imperialism. This said Japan never held their gains so really they're the best of a bad bunch
Minus to the British for being the largest, relative to their technological advantage compared to the defenders they invaded (as in, others may have been as big, but they fought on more even ground - Britain could just turn up and plant flags)
fasces349 (1007 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
American (USA) Empire 10 (+1)
British Empire 16
Roman Empire 22
Mongolian Empire 13
(generic) Chinese Empire 14
Achaemenid Persian Empire 12
Japanese Empire 5
Ottoman Empire 11
Akkadian Empire 8
(pre-Ptolemy) Egyptian Empire 9
(generic) Islamic Empire 11
Byzantine Empire 10
Mughal Empire 10
Comanche Indian Empire 3 (-1)
already listed multiple reasons
steephie22 (933 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
I still don't understand why USA is on the list and why someone would +1 it... Could anyone tell me in what way it is an empire?
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
In the same way that *any* other of the listed historical powers are empires.

"The term empire derives from the Latin imperium (power, authority). Politically, an empire is a geographically extensive group of states and peoples (ethnic groups) united and ruled either by a monarch (emperor, empress) or an oligarchy."

"An empire is a state with politico-military dominion of populations who are culturally and ethnically distinct from the imperial (ruling) ethnic group and its culture[3] — unlike a federation, an extensive state voluntarily composed of autonomous states and peoples."

By the above descriptions/definitions, courtesy of Wikipedia The United States, much like it's British predecessor, was an empire that evolved into a federation, or voluntarily participating states and peoples over time. For the purposes of the above discussion, it is/was absolutely an empire. The sole possible argument against it is that it was never ruled by a monach or an oligarchy. Are you throwing out the British Empire because they are no longer "ruled" by their monarchy?
fasces349 (1007 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
And even at the height of the British Empire, they were effectively a democracy because the House of Commons had more power then the crown.

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204 replies
yagoma (932 D)
07 Jan 13 UTC
The know world 901

join my game please its a game for fun only 7 bet
0 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
05 Jan 13 UTC
replacement needed - early CD
2 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
05 Jan 13 UTC
Sorry another support move question
If I have three units and an opponent also has three units, and I assume he is going to support move next turn to one of my SCs, but I'm not sure which one, would I be covered if I just attack all 3 of his units? That way none of his support moves could work, right?
7 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
31 Dec 12 UTC
Rigel : EoG thread
25 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
15 Dec 12 UTC
Lord of the Rings Playtest
Hello everyone! I am currently working on the newest variant, on a map of Middle Earth! I need to check and see if there are any bugs in the system, so I need to run a playtest.
14 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Question about a game finish
This was my first time playing a South Africa map

I'm confused how Columbia won as he didn't have the required SCs to solo and we didn't concede, is there a time limit on phases?
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
SCRAMBLE - ongoing gunboat
Can we unpause please?
0 replies
caliburdeath (1013 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
I have a suggestion that the non-SC's could be automatically allocated when there are two or more owned SC's touching them
3 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
31 Dec 12 UTC
Favorite Party Game?
Just got Pictionary for Christmas, and I've had my eye on Cards Against Humanity, so I was wondering what you guys usually play with people (besides Diplomacy, of course) when you've got a good group.
24 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
14 Nov 12 UTC
SRGs & tournaments that are running/have run:
Let's work on the vWiki about this, I've set up some pages but it would be good for folks to add to their areas of interest:
16 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
01 Jan 13 UTC
Hope everyone has a fun and safe New Year! if you are out, be careful driving home! look forward to seeing you all in the new year :)
5 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
30 Dec 12 UTC
Global Only Chaos EoG Thread
Thread reserved for EoGs from gameID=10753. I thought this may be fairly interesting, especially if we can hear from some of the people who didn't make it through.
19 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
26 Dec 12 UTC
Why Are We So Anti-Social?
How come webDiplomacy's forum is always thriving, while ours seems doomed to be always a ghost town? We should try to make this forum more of a social space, I think.
7 replies
Dharmy (956 D)
03 Dec 12 UTC
* LIVE * WW-IV * LIVE * <-> (! World Record for the Holidays !)
Let's play the Very First WW-IV Game Ever !!!
I propose a 10 D , 10 minutes, Full Press, WTA.
49 replies
Halt (2077 D)
29 Dec 12 UTC
Clarification on Head to Head Battle
Right so I'm playing a game over at WebDip and I was wondering how this scenario would play out. Unit Setup (Hypothetical): Austria: Army in Prussia, Silesia, Kiel, Denmark. Germany Army in Holland Ruhr Munich Berlin. If Austria moves Kiel to Berlin with Double support, and Berlin moves to Kiel with Triple support...what happens?
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
28 Dec 12 UTC
Possible Imperial 2 Bug?
China was removed from Tongking (where they had an army) and with that army, retreated into the Siuth China Sea.
1 reply
Mapu (2086 D (B))
28 Dec 12 UTC
Replacement Needed ASAP in World Game
Argentina, a top power, left out of the blue well into the game with 14 centers. They are in good shape to be in on the draw and are only 11 D to take over.

0 replies
AtlastheBarbarian (1292 D)
25 Dec 12 UTC
Happy Newtonmas!
Hope everyone celebrates Isaac's birthday in the traditional fashion. Getting drunk, as he would have wanted it.
4 replies
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