Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for King in the North (1024 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
33892 Didiplomacy for the Old Continent Abstraction3 Defeated -26 974
33848 No chat just fun 13 Classic Defeated -19 955
34508 Quiet Dark ClassicFog Defeated -17 938
34664 Ragna-ROCK ClassicFog Survived -22 916
34645 United States of Africa-2 Africa Defeated -31 885
34993 Crowding In ClassicCrowded Defeated -1 884
35043 Colonial-7 Colonial Survived 94 978
35058 Colonial 1885-4 Colonial1885 Survived -25 953
35743 Brats RatWars Survived -9 944
34705 Something Different - 14 Enlightenment Survived -8 936
35893 Cartago Delenda Est PunicWars Survived -15 921
35733 Country-spirit! Baron1900 Drawn 27 948
35890 Don't turn around - 7 (but it's the 4th Crusade) Crusades1201 Defeated -19 929
36165 Duoeling till the End Duo Defeated -3 926
36036 Diploduct KnownWorld_901 Defeated -16 910
36050 Hep Bros HeptarchyIV Drawn 62 972
36154 On a cloudy day VI ClassicFog Survived 54 1026
36164 Beserkrs Viking Survived -6 1020
35475 Odd Future WWIV_V6 Defeated -22 998
36898 foggy 99 ClassicFog Survived -15 983
37156 Slippery Nipples GreatLakes Survived 95 1078
37047 Blitzkrieg Bop WWII Defeated 3 1081
37218 Fog of War-20 ClassicFog Survived 5 1086
33789 American Gunboat -2 Divided_States Defeated -17 1069
37033 World-2 World Defeated -30 1039
37581 The name is not important ClassicFog Survived 10 1049
38598 Calica CelticBritain -16 1033
38333 AWAW1937 WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -29 1004
38685 No chat just fun 45 WTA Classic1880 Defeated -24 980
39293 No chat just fun 53 Classic1898 Defeated -9 971
41341 WWII gunboat! Stab away all day! YoungstownWWII -15 956
42481 20 minute a phase classic game on April 14 Classic Drawn 27 983
41478 More Coffee and More... Gold!!! Africa Survived -11 972
41353 Make war, not love. MongolianEmpire Defeated -13 959
43191 Lets go already! TreatyOfVerdun Survived -16 943
43682 1v1-247 ColdWar Defeated -5 938
43788 Civil War live Empire1on1 Defeated -3 935
41808 The Great War-3 WWII -24 911
43041 More Coffee and More... Wisdom!!! Africa Drawn 14 925
39159 Here for the long haul Europa_Renovatio -22 903
43698 Balkans-2 Balkans1860 Drawn 31 934
44369 Gunboats in the Fog VI ClassicFog Won 276 1210
44500 1v1-317 ColdWar Defeated -5 1205
42792 Modern Europe Gunboat - stab without fear! A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1205
45128 Duo-95 Duo Defeated -4 1201
44870 Gunboat Fall of America 102 Empire4 Defeated -28 1173
45457 The Fall Of Ashikaga Sengoku5 Drawn 51 1224
44113 Time...-3 Classic Drawn 50 1274
45271 Ode to a Grecian Gunboat GreekDip Survived -18 1256
45953 Speedboat Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 Survived 10 1266
46075 Das WWII G-Boat WWII Survived 0 1266
46094 Time............-2 Classic1898 Defeated -38 1228
46067 Edith Puthie Habelya Survived -22 1206
45930 Die happy VI Classic1913 Defeated -19 1187
47048 Chewsday AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -36 1151
47029 Sailing to Byzantium GreekDip -34 1117
46965 X - MAS special 20% off Classic1897 -36 1081
41151 On the Origin of Feces WWIVsealanes Defeated -13 1068
51052 African Gunboat-4 Africa Survived -19 1049
51254 Winnetou ManifestDestiny Drawn 19 1068
51112 Erie WWII Survived 1 1069
49954 WWIV -2 WWIVsealanes -13 1056
53976 98FOW-GB-WTA #05: London! Classic1898Fog Defeated -12 1044
54024 Exploding (Terri)tories AnarchyInTheUK Survived -5 1039
50269 European Vacation II Europa_Renovatio -19 1020
54110 1885 Gunboat-13 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1020
54524 Ancient Gunboat AncMed Survived -17 1003
54721 Youngstown WWII Gunboat -6 YoungstownWWII Defeated -11 992
54535 Gunboat 1479 ClassicSevenIslands Defeated 4 996
54430 No voice to cry suffering Classic Survived -5 991
53898 1937 Gunboat WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -4 987
55278 Viking Gunboat-6 Viking Drawn 96 1083
55543 Far East (History Games 3) SpiceIslands Defeated -31 1052
55067 press ready when ready-2 Colonial1885 Drawn 57 1109
56050 Finkelboat-43 AtlanticColonies Survived -12 1097
55313 America's silent war Empire4 Survived -27 1070
57028 Public Communication AberrationV Defeated -21 1049
56235 Border Wars Imperial2 Survived -8 1041
56642 Known World Gunboat-8 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -24 1017
56986 Playing through all the variants: #4: Mongolian Em MongolianEmpire Survived -18 999
58089 Atlantic Gunboat-20 AtlanticColonies Won 30 1029
56035 Terra-2 WWIVsealanes Defeated 1 1030
57808 Das Gunboat-38 WWII Survived 16 1046
58249 AoP 1 AgeOfPericles Defeated -10 1036
58578 Foggy Funboat 8h - EOG 7 years ClassicFog Won 13 1049
58086 Aberrant Gunboat II AberrationV Defeated 1 1050
58641 Das Gunboat-44 WWII Survived -19 1031
59098 Playing through all the variants #13: Africa Africa Defeated -19 1012
59701 1066-34 TenSixtySix_V3 Won 42 1054
59132 Dark & deaf DarkAges Defeated -9 1045
59792 Home of the Brave IX Empire4 Survived -23 1022
59700 Gobble Earth Gunboat GobbleEarth Survived 2 1024