A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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tricky (1005 D)
03 Aug 11 UTC
Please unpause
Please can the following game be unpaused again?

1 reply
Pause Request
Please pause gameID=2557 from Saturday through Sunday (two full days, 48 hrs).
11 replies
Rancher (1275 D)
02 Aug 11 UTC
what's the deal with connecting to vdip?
I can just now safely connect to vdip every day after several months. Other players have commented the same to me. What has been the deal?
0 replies
ezpickins (1610 D)
31 Jul 11 UTC
4 games
look inside? you can see them
2 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
31 Jul 11 UTC
Sitter needed
Starting Friday I am going to be away for 11 days so I was wondering if someone could sit for me in my games.

The only issue with this, is I am a moderator, so I am not sure how this would work...
10 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
29 Jul 11 UTC
Has Haven's time come and gone?
Has WWIV killed Haven as a game on this site?
8 replies
Alcuin (1454 D)
30 Jul 11 UTC
UNpause Request
Game ID 2662 has been paused since Wednesday, the original requester has returned but two members don't seem to be around to vote unpause.
3 replies
Daiichi (1339 D)
29 Jul 11 UTC
FoW Orders
Why the orders archive can't be seen in FoW?
Sometimes there is an arrow so misleading you may think the support was given in the wrong direccion, or things like that. Some arrows are not conclusive, but still you can see them, so you should be able to know exactly what move they were, shouldn't you?
9 replies
G-Man (2466 D)
21 Jul 11 UTC
Modern / Diplomacy Encouraged / Weekly Moves
If you like a lot of diplomacy -- or like to pace your diplomacy over the week -- love a great map, and are in for the long haul... there can be only one!

Join European Theater: gameID=2855
71 replies
nuclearICBM (923 D)
29 Jul 11 UTC
15 poeple 20 hours
1 reply
TBroadley (1202 D)
28 Jul 11 UTC
After months of internet connectivity issues, I'm making my return (hopefully) to VDip. Could anyone give me a quick rundown of what's happened since I left (roughly when Classic VS was introduced)?
1 reply
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
28 Jul 11 UTC
A surprisingly strong FvA Opening:
Dear President Eden;

I believe I may have stumbled upon a very powerful FvA opening for Austria. I invite you to a series of games investigating the new opening.
4 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
26 Jul 11 UTC
Oli, we need a cancel

A player asked for a pause during the 1st year and then disappeared. We all agreed to cancel, but are left with the one person who left. A little help?
17 replies
G-Man (2466 D)
24 Jul 11 UTC
Favorite Variant?
What is your favorite variant (in which you've played at least one game to completion) and why? How do special rules, if any, impact the variant and your like or dislike of other variants?

If the game is not available here, please give a link if possible.
34 replies
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
26 Jul 11 UTC
New WWIV games: players needed
There's two WWIV games out there that need players over the next 3-4 days: a 20 point bid for moderately experienced players (gameID=2858) and a 5 point big game (don't know the number, but search and you'll find it) for those that want a cheap game. Sign up people!
0 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
25 Jul 11 UTC
5 more needed for a FOW, ANON, Public Press only, PPSC game.
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red squirrel (1613 D)
26 Jul 11 UTC
New Seven Island Game

Please join
0 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
24 Jul 11 UTC
France v Austria, S 1901 Mar - Pie.
I am convinced that this is actually a very strong opening; I have not devised a winning defense for Austria yet...
22 replies
red squirrel (1613 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Players needed for Build Anywhere game

Join up!
1 reply
Shep315 (1435 D)
25 Jul 11 UTC
Wanted: New Venice!
still in a good position, just recently CDed this turn, hoping to find a new one soon so the game dynamic isnt messed up
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SacredDigits (978 D)
23 Jul 11 UTC
Strange fog of war question
Alright, we all know phpdiplomacy code doesn't color a few Mediterranean islands, ever Crete and Sardinia. I note that in the beginning of Fog of War they're also greyed out, what sea moves (if any) color them in?
6 replies
tricky (1005 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Drawn game

Dear all,
The above game has been drawn. How come? I didn't ask for it to be drawn, nor do I believe did Chilie. How diid it happen?
tricky (1005 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Anybody able to help please?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
22 Jul 11 UTC
I have no idea... I didn't draw this.
tricky (1005 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Should it have been drawn? We all get to leave with the same amount of points and some of us were clearly doing much better than others.
Please could you look at it?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
22 Jul 11 UTC
There is nothing I can look at. The database say it's drawn, and only 2 other people besides me can force a draw. So there is nothing I can do now.
tricky (1005 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
How did it happen?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
22 Jul 11 UTC
Have no clue. There is no special entry.´in the database.
tricky (1005 D)
23 Jul 11 UTC
Ok. Thank you for looking.

7 replies
AdamNTM (965 D)
18 Jul 11 UTC
Meta-gaming, or Telepathy?
I'm a little baffled, in a game of anonymous gunboat Modern Diplomacy II (, how Egypt and Ukraine were able to coordinate an attack on Russia (me) in Georgia. Either an extremely lucky guess, telepathy, or cheating (violating the spirit of the game, insofar that it's ANONYMOUS and GUNBOAT). Can anyone help me understand this further?
33 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
automatical disbanding!
Hi Oli, could may implement a function, that if in a retreat phase on a unit the only possibility to do is disbanding this is just set automatically?
that would prevent many games to just take longer because of people pissed and not putting the destroy order....
14 replies
red squirrel (1613 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Fog of War Game

starting in less than 24 hours. please join this interesting variant!
1 reply
killer135 (656 D)
02 Jul 11 UTC
Testing league
Hello. This was lost in the original oli.rhoen.dip, The Testing League. Just looking for 6 active players to regularly play sets of 3 games
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trip (1253 D)
20 Jul 11 UTC
Grecian Gunboat
pm for password
4 replies
Daiichi (1339 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
This game should have been unpaused like 2 weeks ago. It was posted in the forum around 5 or 6 days ago, and you said something like that you'll unpause it by the end of this week. Just to remind you to unpause
1 reply
airborne (970 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
I hate to be critial but...
4 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
22 Jul 11 UTC
Cheap Balkan Test
anon, 5 point bet
0 replies
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