A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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King Atom (1186 D)
26 Jan 12 UTC
Variant Testing
Be the first to play a new variant!
Come on over to the lab and help by playing a test game of my new Variant!
12 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
02 Jan 12 UTC
34 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
A Sincere Thread
In my early beginnings as a player on WebDip, I was inexperienced and easily taken advantage of. Giggity. I was later deemed a troll after creating a game designed for honest diplomats. I never understood why. After learning how best to annoy people with very little effort, I soon took on the role that was given to me.
14 replies
JLB (761 D)
26 Jan 12 UTC
I just started playing again after a long break (ironically, just when we're about to start talking about WWI in school, the problem is, I'm trying to join some games, but it said that I was joining too many games for a "new member" and I needed to play 6 more phases in any games. I understand that this is necessary for new players, but I've played before and wish that this could be applied to date joined rather than point count.
3 replies
The Game.
That is all.
4 replies
ShootingStar (1238 D)
26 Jan 12 UTC
Bugs in World War IV map
I have noticed that there are a couple of bugs in the WWIV map.
5 replies
Ienpw_III (980 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Low point chaos game

7 D
Come and play, it will be fun!
1 reply
Join this game!
4 replies
Myself538 (1018 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
A Funny Star Wars Parody
+1 if you like!
4 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
25 Jan 12 UTC
New game! Join it
0 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
19 Sep 11 UTC
Word Association Thread
There is an active one up on webDiplomacy and i thought I'd try one here. Ill start with the word "Apple".
544 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Gopher's odd sense of humor
8 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Game Endorsements
I am Currently Publicly Endorsing the Following Games:
Such Games Have Received My Seal of Diplomatic Approval.
Many More May Come As of Yet.
1 reply
Why I play on vDip.
CAUSE ITS FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
24 Jan 12 UTC
Sorry Butterhead...
0 replies
Post non 1v1 live games here
For the use of all
0 replies
Özil (782 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
bug in abstraction ?
Turkey have 7 scs !!!
16 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
One on One Games
2 replies
President Smith (832 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
New thread for a legendary game
2 replies
General Cool (978 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
Is this supposed to happen?
Is Britain supposed to be able to move to Baghdad?
19 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
23 Jan 12 UTC
I suppose that there are many players who love ONE VS ONE GAMES, so Use this thread to advertise the games!
2 replies
airborne (970 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
My next map?
Modern Middle East or Baltic 1350?
28 replies
MasterEddie38 (996 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
Abstraction England!!
We need a new england, still first phase gameID=5469
1 reply
G (966 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
New Game of abstraction
0 replies
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
23 Jan 12 UTC
why could GB move into Baghdad???????
2 replies
crixno (1248 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
My game!!!! PLZ join VIkings Strike back! gameID=5515
PLZ join VIkings Strike back! gameID=5515
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
23 Jan 12 UTC
New Map, new chances
Bring It
0 replies
gjdip (1503 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
Bug or a feature?
Is it a bug or a feature that the movement lines cannot be toggled on and off in FoW games?
3 replies
Venetia (1587 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
Abstraction III map
gameID=5461 the map has a bit strange colours.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
21 Jan 12 UTC
can you convoy through Gibraltar?
Venetia (1587 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
I don't know. I wrote this to report that the colours in the map of game are different from the colours of the map in the variant page.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
21 Jan 12 UTC
also to get the first game of this variant I bet :)
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
The map being shown there is the version that the game engine sees in order to see boundaries between provinces. It's showing the wrong version for us, which is a bug.
Venetia (1587 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
@kaner, bet won :D
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
21 Jan 12 UTC
yup. that's a bug.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
21 Jan 12 UTC
do I need to share some points? :p
Aranith (1355 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
is there a discussion in the end whether the map should be improved or something like that? It seems like fun but also very very tough....
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
21 Jan 12 UTC
Why are there 1. and 2. at special rules, but nothing written ?
kaug (1220 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
Why don{t Russia and Turkey have fleets in Black Sea? Do we really need to make the Juggernaut even more attractive?
airborne (970 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
Because the Russikis will be just be thrilled by the possible Ang-Cau which threatens TWO Russian Home SCs instead of the one in Standard
airborne (970 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
I gave plenty of time during development for input, Guaroz in particular had some helpful statements. If you really had a problem you should of spoken when I posted a preview. I was still open to change there when a friend recommended Palermo to be moved to Bari. You are critizing one issue of the map without viewing the changes made all over the map. Yes Jug is attractive but so is Austria/Russia and even Austria/Turkey. I would hope the alliances with be roughly at 33% for each. The same sort of goal made in the brillant 1900. In fact Turkey could tie up two Russian units and prevent the capture of Turkenistan with Angora. It's not like the tensions have competely dissappeared with the lose of the Black Sea situation Turkey and/or Russia could just and easily coem to blows and be greedy over Central Asia. Freed from the Black Sea crisis both powers are hopefully given more options in the opening year which I'm hoping. Turkey in mind in any case is better off to attak Russia now with Ang-Cau and Smy-Con which put Turkey to take the Black Sea and there is nothing Russia can do about it. Russia can also be a pain if he is willing to give up on Rumania and Turk with Sev S Mos-Cau. Maybe, you are right I would need to make a change later however your statement in its present form shows a lack of sound reasoning behind it and I find offensive. Please clarify your opinion if you are not trying to insult here

airborne (970 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
@Kaner406, Sorry but no you can't convoy through Gibraltar, I had to make Gibraltar a "Coast" space which techinally the board copy I have has Gibraltar where you convoy through it. I'm not quite sure how the coding would work behind a Sea, SC, *Can Hold) Armies Yes, Fleet Yes so I decided just to leave it as a Coast space just for simplicity sake
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
21 Jan 12 UTC
So are here special rules or not ?
airborne (970 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
21 Jan 12 UTC
What about MAO and Persian Gulf ?
airborne (970 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
Oops yes I guess well it's more like a territory link footnoe
airborne (970 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
I want to see how the first few games of Abstraction goes but I am considering a few changes

Possible Changes
-Add Emilia-Romagna spliting Venetia in two with Emilia connected to Rom, Adr and Bari and Venetia connected to Tyr, Tri, Emi, Rom, and Mil.
-Change Sevastopol and Angora to fleets
-Change Gib to a Sea Space with Army holding capabilities with a "river hack" which Kaner messaged me about
-Add a link between Cairo and the Mid-Atlantic Ocean
ODaly (1080 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
If you go ahead with splitting Venetia, why not make the split so that both new territories border on Mil? Seems like a better place to divide.
Rancher (1109 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
why a link between Cairo and mid Atlantic? I don't even understand how that would be done, and the thousand mile gap exists geographically
butterhead (1272 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
So I would assume that is a river going through Cau? if you don't mind me asking, why make it so straight instead of a little bit of a curve to it? other than that looks like a lot of fun and can't wait to get the points to try it!
orathaic (952 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
because it's a canal not a river.

How about a link between red sea and persian gulf?

or can fleets currently navigate the one coast of arabia?
butterhead (1272 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
AHH I see!!! well that makes total sense than!
airborne (970 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
As I replied awhile ago in another forum Red Sea connects to Persia Gulf and Mid Atlantic Ocean. This was a workaround the Suez Canal Rule used in 1900 (I used this map as reference for A3) With "half strength" units moving between Mid and Egypt and Hejaz in 1900. Red Sea represents the length and time it would be for a fleet to go aruond Africa but, within the seasonal timeframe is still reasonable. I think that is the special rules going to be stated with the variant, the text file or docx might of been screwed up
airborne (970 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
Yeah Arabia is just one coast with the links as they are
airborne (970 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC
The simpliest situation to Italy I would think would to change Bari to Apulia (Non-SC) and Sicily to Palermo (SC) again, I refraining from touching the map till the first few games reveal the map's flaws or not
@orathaic & butterhead: I think it's technically two rivers (the Volga and the Don) which are connected by a 100km canal, allowing sea traffic from the caspian out to the Black Sea & on. For simplicity sake I think airborne's gone with a single straight line rather than two squiggles & one straight.
(see the Modern map for how it technically looks correct)
airborne (970 D)
22 Jan 12 UTC

29 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
21 Jan 12 UTC
KingDip Tourney Sign-Up Thread
A quest for honor, a quest for more points than me.
See For Details:
8 replies
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