Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for NinjaNJH (762 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
18239 Private-4 SouthAmerica4 Survived -24 976
18245 Minnesota Swag-2 ClassicFGA Drawn 0 976
18262 FFOOOOKK TreatyOfVerdun Survived -10 966
18251 Study Hall RatWars Won 23 989
18345 white v indian Empire1on1 Drawn 0 989
18272 Study Hall v2 RatWars Defeated -25 964
18263 English-4 NorthSeaWars Won 0 964
18332 Study Hall v3 SailHo2 Survived 0 964
18406 PoopButt ClassicEvT Won 8 972
18359 English Swag ClassicIER Drawn 0 972
18425 Study-Halla SouthAmerica4 Won 0 972
18407 Study Hall v1 ClassicIER Drawn 0 972
18484 a-15 ClassicGvR Won 1 973
18511 game without jack Hundred Survived 0 973
18426 Study-Hall without Quinn SailHo2 Survived 0 973
18256 1st Diplomacy game Classic Survived 0 973
18444 That Other America SouthAmerica4 Survived -18 955
18508 Ancient Med-6 AncMed Defeated -20 935
18446 It's all Greek Gunboat to me GreekDip Survived -19 916
18296 You can't see me ClassicFog Defeated 0 916
18384 Foggy-4 ClassicFog Defeated -15 901
18778 Bro's Giving ClassicIER Survived -11 890
18314 Vikings-2 Viking Survived 0 890
18300 AHS Volly GreekDip Won 0 890
18188 chaos-3 ClassicChaos Defeated -27 863
18414 Rat Wars AHS RatWars Won 25 888
18492 kings and queens Germany1648 Survived -22 866
18385 Celts CelticBritain Defeated -13 853
18941 Lepanto-25 Lepanto Defeated -1 852
18937 ERC TenSixtySix_V3 Survived 0 852
18714 let's the battle begin DutchRevolt Survived 31 883
18417 Study Hall v4 AncMed Survived 0 883
18441 Study hall v10 DutchRevolt Drawn 0 883
18246 Haven. Haven Defeated -16 867
19067 Loose butthole NorthSeaWars Won 0 867
19189 Param Sucks ClassicFvA Won 0 867
19021 Where's Jack TenSixtySix_V3 Won 0 867
19111 Nick Sucks Duo Drawn 0 867
18761 bong tokes DutchRevolt Survived 0 867
18321 Knights Templar FirstCrusade Defeated -9 858
18890 Gobble War 2!!! GobbleEarth Survived -20 838
18774 Gods Wills It! FirstCrusade Defeated -19 819
18993 revenant mummies 1 AncMed Won 54 873
19268 The Killer Angels Empire1on1 Drawn 0 873
14633 Crazy Classic 34P War ClassicChaos Defeated -9 864
18911 God's Quest FirstCrusade Defeated -19 845
19232 Cake Pure Survived 9 854
19262 Lay Down Thy Burdens TenSixtySix Defeated -12 842
18865 Not So Dark After All DarkAges Defeated -19 823
19320 nigeria ClassicGvR Won 0 823
18479 Please join this will be fun. GobbleEarth Survived -7 816
19351 eZGGeZ TreatyOfVerdun Drawn 0 816
19368 eZ Rekt Kid ClassicFGA Drawn 0 816
19388 eZ Rekt Bitch ClassicIER Won 0 816
19082 ...-4 Classic1880 Defeated -19 797
18387 The sound of silence-6 Africa Defeated -3 794
18341 JEUNE AFRIQUE Africa Defeated 1 795
19397 FUKIN FUBAR Fubar Survived 0 795
19332 Copa America SouthAmerica5 Defeated -5 790
19349 Kodachrome Chromatic Drawn 9 799
19679 Testgame (ATF) ClassicVS Won 49 848
19683 game-7 ClassicFvA Survived -7 841
19526 South America -3 SouthAmerica4 Survived -13 828
18917 Cyranch Imperial2 Drawn 256 1084
18428 So when's the next Apocalypse? WWIV_V6 Defeated 0 1084
18760 ++ 卐 ++ Colonial1885 Survived 0 1084
19145 fantasyworld FantasyWorld Survived 53 1137
18651 Mosquito coast SouthAmerica8 Survived -8 1129
19523 Civility in War AmericanConflict Survived 12 1141
19654 Old Shit TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -6 1135
19345 la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale - Beginners Wel WWII Defeated -26 1109
19750 Classic, 7 Turn Max Classic Survived 1 1110
18904 Just Crowded ClassicCrowded Defeated -35 1075
19682 New map New winners New losers AtlanticColonies Survived -12 1063
19231 PROS and Rising Stars GobbleEarth Survived 0 1063
19260 The sound of silence-11 Enlightenment Defeated -24 1039
19835 (FTR)-3 ClassicVS Drawn 0 1039
19512 Age Of Pericles-2 AgeOfPericles Drawn 47 1086
19833 (FGA) ClassicVS Defeated -9 1077
19191 Waka Waka Africa Africa Defeated -19 1058
19083 WW1 GobbleEarth Defeated -38 1020
19678 Atlantic colonies test AtlanticColonies Survived 0 1020
19793 A bid for South America SouthAmerica4 Defeated -20 1000
19866 One + One ClassicFGA Survived 6 1006
19492 gobble gobble yum yum GobbleEarth Survived 0 1006
19834 (TGE)-2 ClassicVS Defeated -7 999
18719 Gobble Earth-2 GobbleEarth Defeated -21 978
19838 Dark Ages DarkAges Defeated -27 951
19873 standard Classic Resigned -28 923
19853 Spice Islands Colonial Defeated -25 898
18908 Gobble Gobble GobbleEarth Survived -40 858
19895 World Cup II SouthAmerica4 Survived 12 870
19688 Atlantic Colonies (NEW, the real one) AtlanticColonies Survived -10 860
20021 1x1 civil war semi-live-56 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 859
19839 WW2-9 YoungstownWWII Survived -19 840
19867 Classic Seven Islands ClassicSevenIslands -17 823
19805 Back in the Saddle YoungstownRedux Drawn 71 894
19605 PseudoGoT FantasyWorld Survived 0 894
19904 Aussie time MateAgainstMate Defeated -20 874
19896 (RIEFT) ClassicVS Defeated -12 862
18949 WW2-8 WWII Defeated -19 843
19916 ROTWEILLERS ClassicCrowded Defeated -11 832
19913 Louis XIV Enlightenment Defeated -18 814
19775 Layered-2 ClassicLayered Defeated -6 808
19708 the last war before we invade aliens WWIV_V6 Defeated -21 787
19806 Whitgift KnownWorld_901 Defeated -10 777
19777 Gobbledygook GobbleEarth -9 768
24157 India-2 Maharajah -6 762