Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Ashtar (688 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
39391 Dikke lul ClassicFvA Won 5 1005
38754 Vriendschap 7.0 Europe1939 Won 242 1247
39687 France vs Austria 09092019 ClassicFvA Defeated -4 1243
39023 Crimea -2 Modern2 Defeated -40 1203
39739 France vs Austria 09122019 ClassicFvA Survived -7 1196
39706 Not this daisho Sengoku5 Defeated -1 1195
39789 African Gunboat Africa Survived -44 1151
39295 Green button V ClassicFog Defeated -14 1137
39541 Caribbean Karibik Defeated -30 1107
39144 No chat just fun 50 - WTA Classic1897 Defeated -17 1090
39452 I've Got the World on a String DarkAges Defeated -25 1065
39986 No Neutrals!! ClassicNoNeutrals Defeated -22 1043
39228 Smith and Wesson Classic1898 Won 199 1242
40163 Vengeance Diplomacy GreekDip Drawn 5 1247
39267 World Peace Simulator-2 World Defeated -35 1212
40069 WAkaNdA Africa Defeated -40 1172
40143 Sushi YoungstownWWII Defeated 0 1172
40084 VIKING WORLD! Viking Drawn 28 1200
40350 Interesting bidding GreekDip Defeated -25 1175
40101 African Gunboat-2 Africa Defeated -19 1156
40329 Viking Friendship Viking Survived -31 1125
39743 Slow boat to Memphis, Egypt AncMed Drawn 23 1148
40189 Last Blood and All.-2 Baron1900 Defeated 0 1148
40083 Battle 29 Alacavre Won 0 1148
40099 African Diplomacy-2 Africa Drawn 90 1238
40466 Gunboat- Egypt ClassicEgypt Defeated -23 1215
39901 No chat just fun 56 Classic Survived 0 1215
40341 Victoria-2 Europe1600 Drawn 30 1245
40569 No chat just fun 59 Classic1880 Survived -17 1228
40577 Toto-3 Africa Survived 50 1278
40812 Een witte mistige kerst Classic1898Fog Survived -45 1233
40480 Small World! Colonial1885 Defeated -23 1210
40472 another Classic-1898 FoW-Gunboat Classic1898Fog Won 260 1470
40587 Mare Nostrum 2 AncMed Survived -35 1435
40438 Foggy 1898-10 Classic1898Fog Drawn 36 1471
40333 Classic-Egypt ClassicEgypt Defeated -35 1436
40439 No chat just fun 57 Classic Survived 33 1469
40492 Foggy 1898-11 WTA Classic1898Fog Defeated -29 1440
40437 Classic 1898-5 Classic1898 Defeated -30 1410
40571 Teams without chatting 2 Classic Defeated -30 1380
40538 Echidna of Gordoservon Classic Drawn 7 1387
40202 Plastic Beach GobbleEarth Drawn 48 1435
40906 Vriendschap 12 WesternWorld_901 Defeated -52 1383
40950 War in central America Karibik Drawn 40 1423
40974 Colonial Gunboat-4 Colonial1885 -50 1373
40440 foggy 124 ClassicFog Survived 20 1393
41499 Nu we toch thuis zitten FirstCrusade Defeated -45 1348
41520 Nu we in thuis quarantaine zitten YoungstownWWII Survived -37 1311
39837 Divided We Fall-2 Divided_States Defeated 0 1311
43040 Serieus Diplomacy AmericanConflict Defeated -34 1277
43223 Battle of the Slavs Viking Survived 0 1277
38813 EU5 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1277
44513 Fog of War-25 ClassicFog Defeated -38 1239
44044 Serieus III WWII Won 90 1329
44527 Gunboat Classic FoW 101 ClassicFog Defeated -26 1303
44805 Cool Gunboat 01 Classic Won 80 1383
42752 State Your Business Divided_States Defeated 0 1383
44526 Antecolumbia KnownWorld_901 Defeated -36 1347
44406 No chat just fun 82 Classic1913 Defeated -25 1322
44827 Colonial 1885 Gunboat-4 Colonial1885 Survived 0 1322
44832 Imperialism Time I Imperial2 Defeated 0 1322
44418 Here Kitty Kitty Africa Drawn 38 1360
45145 Gunboat Africa! 103 Africa Won 204 1564
45118 Gunboat American Conflict 103 AmericanConflict Defeated 0 1564
44867 Realpolitik Classic Defeated 0 1564
44954 No chat just fun 86 Classic1897 Defeated -44 1520
44640 Time.......... Classic1898 Defeated -27 1493
45122 Gunboat Africa! 102 Africa Drawn 15 1508
45095 Long time no colonize (gunboat) Colonial Drawn 7 1515
45185 Opium War Canton Defeated 0 1515
45093 Kerrigor’s Revenge Europe1939 Defeated -54 1461
45130 Gunboat of War Europe1939 Survived -8 1453
45349 The European Dingleberry Classic Defeated 0 1453
45537 Find Troy on the map GreekDip Drawn 13 1466
44960 This is Africa Africa Survived 39 1505
45392 Fog-11 ClassicFog Survived -24 1481
41211 The Most Dangerous Game Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1481
45743 Nein! Nein! Nein! Nein! WWII Drawn 4 1485
44850 Gunboat Indians 100 GreatLakes Survived 9 1494
45684 Vertrouw Vos Nooit Classic Survived -55 1439
44405 No chat just fun 81 Classic1898 Won 94 1533
45469 Fog-12 ClassicFog Defeated -46 1487
45765 Flash Gunboat Classic 111 Classic Defeated -35 1452
45163 Basic Diplomacy Classic Defeated 0 1452
45605 nan-da? ClassicFog Defeated -23 1429
45644 Gunboat Aberration V AberrationV Survived -38 1391
45129 Das Gunboat AberrationV Defeated -43 1348
45251 Frederick Enlightenment Drawn 28 1376
45062 Colonial 1885 Gunboat-5 Colonial1885 Defeated -37 1339
45960 Manifest Speedboat ManifestDestiny Defeated 0 1339
45131 World of Gunboat YoungstownRedux Survived 47 1386
45694 Caribbean Gunboat -2 Karibik Survived -31 1355
45647 Colonial Gunboat-5 Colonial Defeated -9 1346
45952 Speedboat Africana Africa Drawn 26 1372
43352 The Ambassador should join, because they need to b Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1372
45936 Viking Speedboat Viking Survived -34 1338
45658 Easy.....,.. Classic Survived -22 1316
44745 Kings and Queens of the Sea GobbleEarth Defeated 0 1316
45179 Bush Fire! MateAgainstMate Defeated 0 1316
45379 Buckets of ducats Pirates Defeated -33 1283
45645 Imperial Gunboat-3 Imperial2 Survived -19 1264
45611 Time.....-2 Classic1898 Defeated -22 1242
44326 Modernotópico A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1242
45693 WWII Gunboat-3 WWII Survived 21 1263
45372 Cabombaceae Colonial1885 Drawn 38 1301
45641 Gunboat Africa Africa Survived -24 1277
45922 Crowds in 2020 ClassicCrowded Defeated 0 1277
45642 Gunboat 1939 Europe1939 Survived -47 1230
45612 Time..... FoW - WTA Classic1898Fog Survived -20 1210
41041 Europa Gazette Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1210
45953 Speedboat Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 Survived -15 1195
45966 Colonial Gunboat 1885 Colonial1885 Survived 14 1209
45373 Colonial 1885 Gunboat-6 Colonial1885 Won 123 1332
45218 Ottoman Bismark Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1332
45639 Das Gunboat-2 Modern2 Defeated -29 1303
45886 Libertas quæ sera tamen-6 AtlanticColonies Won 19 1322
45937 War of the Rising Sun Sengoku5 Defeated -35 1287
45927 Die happy III Classic Defeated -31 1256
45951 Nein! WWII Defeated -17 1239
46042 Colonial Gunboat-6 Colonial Defeated -38 1201
46118 Easy............ Classic1913 -31 1170
45610 Time..........-2 Classic1897 -31 1139
46043 Youngstown Gunboat YoungstownRedux -34 1105
45655 Flash Gunboat Colonial 1885 - 101 Colonial1885 Defeated -19 1086
46346 Trans Siberia Colonial Gunboat Colonial -26 1060
46230 Das G-Boat Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 -26 1034
46373 Viking G-Boat Viking -25 1009
45965 African Riverboat Africa Defeated -22 987
46075 Das WWII G-Boat WWII -19 968
46322 Das Atlantik G-Boat AtlanticColonies -11 957
42227 Sticks and Stones WWIVsealanes Defeated 0 957
46222 Even Flow ClassicFog -21 936
46345 Das G-Boat Aberration AberrationV -23 913
44844 Eye of the storm Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 913
46044 Das WWII Gunboat WWII -21 892
45181 1885-2 Colonial1885 -31 861
46307 foggy 1898 - 30 WTA Classic1898Fog -10 851
46368 Das U-boat YoungstownWWII -10 841
43323 Quarantinovatio Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 841
46231 Africa G-Boat Africa -14 827
46367 Das Youngstown G-Boat YoungstownRedux -13 814
45801 Indian Tribal Warfun GreatLakes Defeated 0 814
46371 Colonial 1885 G-Boat Colonial1885 -17 797
43868 Another Herd Needs Culling Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 797
46379 Trans Siberië Colonial Defeated -24 773
46070 In Europe we are all brothers A_Modern_Europe -23 750
44455 Disintegration of the U.S. Divided_States Defeated 27 777
46321 Das Imperial G-Boat Imperial2 -23 754
45710 Pointy Pointy Stabby Stabby Imperial2 -15 739
41151 On the Origin of Feces WWIVsealanes Defeated 0 739
45215 Europapa Europa_Renovatio -33 706
45393 Imperial II Imperial2 -7 699
46359 WWWoww WWIV -11 688